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Model of the Church "Eghvard"

Church "Eghvard" with a Cross at the Entrance and a Table for lighting Candles in the Yard. The church was built in Yeghvard in 1301 to commemorate the 1000th anniversary of Christianity in Armenia.
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Sales price: $98.00
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Price / kg:
Product Weight : 0.70 KG
View from SideView from Side
View from EntranceView from Entrance

Cross on the dome of Armenian churches is always facing east, the entrance of the churches are facing west. On the south wall of the church a sun clock is set - ancient invention of Armenians. The shadow of the central pin shows the time from sunrise to sunset. On the walls of the church crosses are engraved that were made by order of the parishioners, bringing donations to the church.

Height: 180 m
The size of the base: 60 x 180 mm
